2007 TPE 101 firework 


便開始編輯影片。 影片中的煙火秀,讓我感動。

臨時抓了ABBA 唱的Happy New Year 當背景音樂,倒也符合影片內容。



 No more champagne 

And the fireworks are through


 Here we are, me and you


 Feeling lost and feeling blue


 Its the end of the party


 And the morning seems so grey  清晨看起來如此灰暗
 So unlike yesterday   所以,不似昨日 
 Now is the time for us to say...   現在正是我們互道 
 Happy new year!


 Happy new year!  新年快樂 
 May we all have a vision now and then  願我們對生活都有期許  
 Of a world where every neighbor is a friend  願在世上所有的鄰人都是朋友  
 Happy new year!  新年快樂
 Happy new year!  新年快樂
 May we all have our hopes, our will to try  願我們都有希望,願望得以嘗試 
 If we don't. We might as well lay down and die  就算不做,也是這樣過一生
 You and I  你跟我 
 Sometimes I see  有時我見 
 How the brave new world arrives  全新世人是如此勇敢 
 And I see how it thrives  我也見如何成功,是建立在 
 In the ashes of our lives  燃燒我們每個生命的灰燼中 
 Oh yes, man is a fool  是的,人是如此愚蠢 
 And he thinks he'll be okay  但他認為他應該可以 
 Dragging on, feet of clay  腳沾滿土 (意致命弱點),拖著走 
 Never knowing he’s astray  從沒認知過自己是個煙灰缸 
 Keeps on going anyway...  反正就是繼續走‧‧‧ 
 Happy new year!  新年快樂
 Happy new year!  新年快樂
 May we all have a vision now and then  願我們對生活都有期許
 Of a world where every neighbor is a friend  願在世上所有的鄰人都是朋友
 Happy new year!  新年快樂
 Happy new year!  新年快樂
 May we all have our hopes, our will to try  願我們都有希望,願望得以嘗試 
 If we don't. We might as well lay down and die  就算不做,也是這樣過一生
 You and I...  你跟我 
 Seems to me now  現在對我而言 
 That the dreams we had before  過往夢想 
    創作者 BRENDA 的頭像

    BRENDA 的異想世界

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